“Archeology and Cultural Tourism “on Play “.
October 28th, 2017, 15:00 | 18:00, Conference Room | Archaeological Museum, Paestum
Usual appointment of the Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange Fair is the Archeovirtual Workshop, linked to the Exhibition at the Paestum Archaeological Museum.
The workshop aims at comparing the potential of video games and the latest immersive and portable technologies with scientific research in the field of communication and cognition, looking at the past and (consciously) to the future. If today’s video game industry succeeds in reaching millions of players, whose age is growing, and getting new creative companies emerging, it is clear that the potential benefit of Culture and Tourism is evident too.
How to integrate the video-game experience in the educational museum visit, with the tourist offer? This is the question around which the discussion of the workshop of October 28th will be held, and that will see the participation of leading figures in research, culture, technology and video game industry.
15:00 Greetings (Paolo Mauriello, Director CNR ITABC)
15:15 Introduction (Augusto Palombini, CNR ITABC)
15:30 How archaeology has influenced the VideoGame sector (Alessandro Pintucci, CIA)
15:45 Connecting Stories, Location and VideoGames (Davide Mancini, IVIPRO)
16:00 Scientific Research and Video Applications (Sofia Pescarin, CNR ITABC)
16:20 Italy For Movies and Tax Credits: MIBACT Cinema and Tourism initiatives for the video game industry (Nicola Borrelli [tbc], Bruno Zambardino, MIBACT DG Cinema) (Francesco Palumbo, MIBACT DG Tourism [tbc])
16:50 A videogame for the museum: “Father and Son” (Paolo Giulierini, Ludovico Solima National Archaeological Museum Naples)
17:00 The Video Games Industry: Novelty and Potential (AESVI)
17:20 Events and video games in Rome (cinecittà, Luce Institute ([tbc] Ist. Luce)
17:40 Conclusions
The workshop is organized by CNR ITABC as part of the H2020 REVEAL project.