Digitalcomoedia, Naples

The version of On the Way present at ArcheoVirtual is a step of the experiential path in Augmented and Immersive Reality that the user can enjoy first hand at the Royal Palace of Caserta, Campania. In its full version, On the Way allows users to interact with geo-referenced historical-artistic multimedia contents, proposed by the Application while visiting the royal gardens, travelling on an OpenBus.

At ArcheoVirtual, On the Way offers the opportunity to visit some royal rooms directly from outside the Palace and admire the spectacle of the marbles and decorations.

On the Way is a project funded by Bando Grandi Progetti Ricerca e Sviluppo Horizon 2020 – PON I&C 2014-20, di cui al DM 1 Giugno 2016 del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MiSE). SPACE SpA coordinates the project. Institutions involved are Digitalcomoedia Srl, Meta Srl, Metoda SpA e A.T.C. Azienda Trasporti Campani Srl.

1,875,281 Website Icon Stock Photos and Images - 123RFwww.digitalcomoedia.com

1,875,281 Website Icon Stock Photos and Images - 123RFhttp://www.spacespa.it/progetti-di-ricerca/distretti-culturali/otw/