Exhibition 2023


ArcheoVirtual exhibition is organized in two sections, whose dimension and location can vary according to the type of proposals and the setup requirements: the audiovisual section (trailer, demos and short movies regarding particular and innovative projects), and a section of interactive applications.

The 2023 edition of Archeovirtual on “New Intelligences” present in the Sala Cella at the Archaeological Museum of Paestum will contain the following applications:

Immersive Antarctica  (StoryLab – Anglia Ruskin University and UK Antarctic Heritage Trust)

Al museo con ARTEMISIA (CNR ISPC, CNR ISTC, Sapenza Università di Roma, iComfort)

Codex 4D, Viaggio in 4 dimensioni nel manoscritto , Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Biblioteca Angelica)

Capua Innova (Lisitea Associati)

/imagine (CNR ISPC)

Robocom Inclusion (iinformatica)


In the Video section inside the Cella room, the following presentations will be shown about “New intelligences”: 

The Ocre Castle  (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila).

AI-eneis prompted version (7emezzo.biz | Metaheritage srl). 

Campana Caves, an impossible journey  (Universita’ Politecnica Delle Marche). 

Hermes (CNR ISPC)